Tag Archives: still-the-word

Lesbian babe Amber Heard Joins Cast of NBC pilot Playboy

Mr. Skin Hall-of-Famer and avowed muff-diver Amber Heard , who has done great nudity in Friday Night Lights , Alpha Dog , The Informers , and The Joneses , is set to star in the upcoming network series pilot Playboy . Picked up by NBC early last month, Playboy will be an hour-long drama set in the 1960s heyday of Playboy clubs that popped up in Chicago, New York, and other major cities around the country. Frankly (and spankly) it sounds a lot like the 1985 TV movie A Bunny’s Tale , starring Kirstie Alley and based on the experiences of 70s feminist icon and professional ball-buster Gloria Steinem . This is all well and good, but it’s time for Amber to return to the more skin-permissive medium of R-rated movies and explore her newfound taste for tuna tacos on the big screen. Heard is still the word!

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Lesbian babe Amber Heard Joins Cast of NBC pilot Playboy