This guy…is a hero….even if this is fake, staged, or his advice is pretty fucking generic and obvious, his delivery…is legendary…this guy should be hosting the Tonight Show…not the other retard they got going with his silly games with his guest that got old the first week of his original show…like they would if the asshole brought them out at any party you attended, before you beat him up…yet the execs at the networks like it and think it’s clever…fuck you world…but before you do that, let this dude inspire you.
Her name is FAITH PICOZZI …I’ve posted her Ma href=”” target=”_blank”> NIPPLES BEFORE … I think there was a time she humoured me on instagram, when I would write insane things about having faith, or believing in faith, or you gotta have faith, you see cuz her name is faith and I figured it just made fucking sense, I am two dimensional like that…my jokes aren’t funny and that is probably why she didn’t insist on meeting me and sitting on my face for 3 or for days…because she’s a hot redhead and I’ve never had a redhead, but I want one, and it might as well be one like Faith, and not the weirdo one missing a toe I went to high school with who made me sick me my stomach every time I looked at them because they looked like a scummy hand after they just ate cheetos…and I found it repulsive.. But Faith…is a good one…and good ones are rare…. These pics are by photographer named LUKE PEARSALL