If you follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram , you know the girl’s not shy about showing off her body. And that’s fine; Kylie’s 18, and she can do what she wants. What’s lame, however, is when she starts shilling BS health and fitness products to her 40 million followers with the promise that this crap will somehown help them look more like Kylie: That’s Kylie hawking something called Lyfe Tea, and as you can see, she looks super psyched about it. Kylie posted that pic to her Instagram this morning with the following caption: “Morning 🙂 My flat tummy secret is my @lyfe_tea teatox! We need all the help we can get to keep off the holiday pounds. So keeping my @lyfe_tea with me keeps my waistline slim!” Yes, Kylie is claiming that you too can have a flat stomach if you suck down some weird herbal concoction every day. We’re sure her own taut tummy has nothing to do with her army of dieticians and trainers, her Olympic athlete genetics, or the fact that she’s freakin’ 18 years old. Is it as bad as Kylie’s waist trainer selfies ? No, because this tea won’t squeeze your organs into unnatural shapes (we think). But it still says a lot about Kylie that she’s willing to sell an easy answer to impressionable young fans in exchange for money that she could not possibly need . Sigh. The girl should really just stick to semi-nude selfies . View Slideshow: 61 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner
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Kylie Jenner Reveals "Flat Tummy Secret" (Hint: It’s Not "Being 18")