Tag Archives: stood-out-more

Aubree Dieckmeyer Mangles American Idol Interview, Passes Audition

If American Idol were a talking competition, Aubree Dieckmeyer would be screwed. The 20-year old auditioned in San Diego for TV’s top-rated series last night… only she had trouble remembering just which show she hoping to win. See what we mean in the interview that precedes her actual try out here: Aubree Dieckmeyer American Idol Audition In the end, Dieckmeyer’s voice stood out more than her gaffe. We could see her advancing far on season 11. Among the opponents she’ll face in Hollywood, courtesy of the most recent audition episode? Kyle Crews , who made frat boys everywhere proud with his cover of ” Angel of Mine .”

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Aubree Dieckmeyer Mangles American Idol Interview, Passes Audition

Haeley Vaughn: The Colorado Country Crooner

On last night’s American Idol audition episode, 26 Denver-based contestants earned a ticket to Hollywood. One of them was Casey James , a rumored semifinalist we’ve previously profiled. Another was Haeley Vaughn

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Haeley Vaughn: The Colorado Country Crooner