Tag Archives: store-shelves

DVD: Clint Eastwood’s Tsunami Movie, and 3 Other Examples of Bad Pop-Culture Timing

Given that it opens with a tsunami so realistic that it got an Oscar nomination for its special effects, Hereafter (out this week from Warner Home Video) got yanked from theaters in Japan even as it hits video store shelves in the United States. But that sort of ouchy coincidence happens all the time in every corner of pop culture. For instance:

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DVD: Clint Eastwood’s Tsunami Movie, and 3 Other Examples of Bad Pop-Culture Timing

Four Loko banned in Ohio

Ohio is among a group of several states that have recently banned alcohol energy drinks or requested that these products be removed from store shelves due to health concerns. The Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control announced today that, at the Division#39;s request, the manufacturer of the alcohol energy drink “Four Loko” and the supplier of alcohol energy drink “Joose” have agreed to stop the distribution of their products in Ohio. With no legal authority at this time to

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Four Loko banned in Ohio