Tag Archives: stratford-idol

My name is Georgina, I’m 13 1/2 years old, I’m…

My name is Georgina, I’m 13 1/2 years old, I’m from Queensland , Australia, and this is My Bieber Experience. It was the 31st January, 2012. I was on holiday with my mum, my step-dad, my sister and my friend, Sami in Canada. We were going to places like Vancouver and Whistler. When we were in Toronto seeing Niagara Falls, we decided to make the two hour drive to Stratford, purely for the the fact that my idol and inspiration Justin Bieber, grew up there.  When we arrived at the hotel, Sami and I were excited to discover that not too long before, Selena Gomez had stayed there and Justin Bieber had visited (looking dashing, according to the receptionist)! On the topic of the couple, the woman at the desk gave us signed Bieber-themed town maps that included 18 points of interest for Beliebers . She also informed us that she had worked with Diane (Justin’s grandma) for 14 years! Already excited from all this, we headed out to begin our tour of Stratford. On our way to the Avon Theatre, we passed the police station and saw two VERY familiar looking people exiting. It took a few seconds for me to realize that these people… were Justin’s GRANDPARENTS!  I quickly turned to Sami and whisper-shouted to her, “Oh, my god! That’s Justin Bieber’s grandparents!” Diane was on the phone, but Bruce (Justin’s grandpa) noticed me staring and started walking over. I started freaking out but managed to keep myself from screaming or crying and asked for a photo. He smiled and said, “Yeah, if you have a camera!” While we got the camera out, I could do nothing but stare in shock as he asked my sister where we were from, why we were here etc. Diane eventually walked back over and we had the photo. Oh, and Justin’s grandpa really is as adorable as he seems. As soon as they left, I burst out crying (tears of joy, of course) and started hyperventilating. Sami, my mum and my sister all laughed, but I just sat on the pavement, feeling happier than I had ever been in my entire life.  We went on to visit his old house, the pizza restaurant he ate at in Never Say Never, the community centre that he performed in the Stratford Idol at and much more!  So… I didn’t actually meet Justin, but out of 32,000 people, I managed to meet the 2 people I never expected to find. If that isn’t the meaning of ‘never say never’ , I don’t know what is.  Link: My name is Georgina, I’m 13 1/2 years old, I’m…

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My name is Georgina, I’m 13 1/2 years old, I’m…