Tag Archives: street-vendor

Brawl at Disney and Other Videos of the Day

I Guess Girls Do Shit… Bridge Collapses Dude Waits Around to Punch Arrested Dude Bank Beatdown Street Vendor of the Day Subway Worker Hits Dude Who Pulled Out His Dick Angry Woman in the Bus… Grocery Shopping in Venezuala LOoks Pretty Overwhelming with all the Options Cop Throws Himself Under a Suicidal Man to Break the Fall White Guy Tells Black Guy He Can’t BBQ Because of the Smoke.. Mob Robbery…in Ohio Mother Saves Child…But Gets Eaten By Escalator…WTF Chinese Man Pulls His Dick Out when Fighting With Neighbor….what… Redneck Fight… The post Brawl at Disney and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Brawl at Disney and Other Videos of the Day

RPattz Is Bel Hunky

Even hiding under a top hat and wearing period costume, we can sniff out Robert Pattinson’s chiseled jaw. The hunky star is putting his vampy ways behind him as he continues to shoot Bel Ami on location in Budapest, Hungary. Pattinson is pictured picking a newspaper from a street vendor and talking to crew in between takes. In the film, RPattz