Tag Archives: strides-through

REVIEW: Robotic Tom Cruise Weighs Down Knight and Day

Tom Cruise is no longer cool, a truth he just can’t face — if he could, he’d be cooler. In the opening moments of Knight and Day, Cruise strides through an airport in a uniform of coolness that may as well have been assembled from a checklist: Distinctive Persol sunglasses, an obviously cashmere V-neck sweater layered over a surely-not-Hanes T-shirt, a Baracuta jacket — I’m only checking off the brand names the same way he and his costume department must have. The ringtone on his character’s phone is “Louie, Louie.” And he actually does some of his own stunts, just to show he can. Cruise really may be the hardest-working man in show business right now, but on him (in direct contrast to James Brown), all that sweat just isn’t cool. Once coolness leaves you, how do you get it back?

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REVIEW: Robotic Tom Cruise Weighs Down Knight and Day