Tag Archives: stripper-mouth

Coco’s Ridiculous Body at Some Vegas Event of the Day

“Wasn’t she the girl who could sing high pitched or something”….it pretty much the words of genius that came out of Coco’s hooker/stripper mouth when asked about Whitney at the Grammy’s…. I didn’t think she was the brain…she’s more of the ridiculous tits and ass who doesn’t annoy me, because she embraces her life and realizes she’s a novelty act who looks like a novelty toy….pretty much a clown and from my experiece, you should never hate on a clown…or they will MOLEST YOUR CHILDREN Either way, here are her tits in Vegas…where she belongs…cuz it houses many escorts, showgirls, and washed up pussy who think they are living the dream….and she’s wearing a hot dress..

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Coco’s Ridiculous Body at Some Vegas Event of the Day