Tag Archives: struggle twerks

Serena Taught Me: Twitter Drags Nicki Minaj’s Struggle Twerks Straight To Hell

The Internet Vs. Nicki’s Struggle Twerks Nicki Minaj and her stiff, stale, sauce-free struggle twerks are currently being dragged to the darkest corners of Hell after stealing the star-studded TIDALX1015 show and fueling yet another terrible twerk-related roast session . Hit the flip for the hilariously petty roasting of Nicki’s struggle twerks.

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Serena Taught Me: Twitter Drags Nicki Minaj’s Struggle Twerks Straight To Hell

Enough Is Enough: 10 Celebs Who Should Be BANNED From Taking Selfies [Photo Gallery]

Selfie addiction is the latest threat to humanity that’s turned decent human beings into attention-thirsty vanity monsters. At one point, Instagram was a cool photo sharing network between creatives before the selfie epidemic ruined everything. Here are ten attention-thirsty celebs who should be BANNED from taking selfies. Take a look. Continue reading