Tag Archives: style-t-shirts

Lara Stone’s Wet White Shirt of the Day

LARA STONE is some busty model who poses topless for fashion on the regular….she’s old as fuck now, at least in model years, but still has tits that she’s willing to show because it’s all she knows and really, old or not, I think she’s quite lovely…at least to look at…she’s probably a horrible, wretched cunt, with so much fucking attitude because she grew up thinking she was hot, while rich people suck up to her… I like that either she, or her Lawyers know who I am, it makes staring at her tits more person..because she has tried to sue me for posting pics of her and her fat husband, comedian David Williams, on their honeymoon…which is pretty fucking shitty. They are divorced now, because that’s how these things work out, and I guess she’s back to work to feel validated with her tits… She’s in white wet t-shirt, a fetish of mine, I’m basic, old school and remember a time when wet t-shirts, whether at college parties, or girls without bras on caught in the rain, or even cheap cotton in style t-shirts stretched the fuck out…was better than porn being produced…so I appreciate what’s happening here…even if she’s the fucking worst…not even good enough for some fat fuck to keep. The post Lara Stone’s Wet White Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lara Stone’s Wet White Shirt of the Day