Tag Archives: subway-maps

Podcars Almost Ready To Roll in London

image via ultraprt I have to be very careful when writing about Pod Cars; the pod people are dedicated and vocal and once gave me a prize for writing fishwrap . I have previously called them a solution in search of a problem, but Jim Witkin at the New York Times thinks that they might make se… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Podcars Almost Ready To Roll in London

Subway Maps from Around the World, All on the Same Scale

Image: Fake is the New Real For Subway Map Lovers (I Know You’re Out There!) We have done many posts about subway maps, and they are always pretty popular. It seems like there’s a large group of people out there who enjoy looking at subway maps from around the world (who knew?). Today, I have a treat for these people. I stumbled on a site that has subway maps from around the world, and they’ve all be normalized to the same scale so that it’s easier to compare them…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Subway Maps from Around the World, All on the Same Scale