Tag Archives: enjoy-looking

JWoWW’s Big Breasts Get To Work

With the new Jersey Shore spin-off just around the corner, just what the world needs right now, JWoWW and her little troll friend have been hard at work filming over the last little while. I use the term ‘hard at work’ very loosely. I don’t give a crap about Snooki, or the show quite frankly, but I do enjoy looking at JWoWW’s big fake breasts whenever I get the chance so here they are. Not exactly the greatest shots of the girls, but I’ll take what I can get. Enjoy.

Selena Gomez Almost Gives Us A Show

I don’t really know why I’m posting these pictures, I guess there are some perverts out there who enjoy looking at completely out of focus shots of someone like Selena Gomez almost giving us an upskirt picture on Leno , but I’m not one of them. Pictures of your paused television screen on your cell phone doesn’t make you a paparazzi… Remember that. Anyhow, she’s a cutie and I know a lot of you love her so enjoy. I’ve also got a video of the almost upskirt HERE . more pictures of Selena Gomez here

Podcars Almost Ready To Roll in London

image via ultraprt I have to be very careful when writing about Pod Cars; the pod people are dedicated and vocal and once gave me a prize for writing fishwrap . I have previously called them a solution in search of a problem, but Jim Witkin at the New York Times thinks that they might make se… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See original here:
Podcars Almost Ready To Roll in London