Tag Archives: success-solely

Jessica Simpson is Hilarious and Fat for Weight Watchers of the Day

This is amazing, only because Jessica Simpson is semi-retarded and watching her talk bullshit about weight loss tha she is contractually paid to talk about, while not showing her body because there has been no weightloss, but instead just showing her fat face, telling us this program works…..even though she still looks like she’s fucking pregnant….even though her kid is pushing two….cuz some girls hormonally can’t say no to cake….fast food….donuts….fried chicken and whatever else she stuffs down her fat face….that if you remember was fat pre-gettting pregnant and that her pregnancy was just a cover to justify her impending diabetes…. As far as I’m concerned, she’s no spokesperson for health, fitness, or good eating….I am sure Weight Watchers has their fingers crossed that she steps up her game…otherwise she’ll be paying them back…not that she really cares…she has all the money in the world….failing at this won’t really do much damage to much more than her heart…. Point is, people eat badly, people don’t move enough, fat girls have big tits, I like big tits…… TO SEE PICS OF THE TANK OF A WOMAN WHO CLAIMS WEIGHT WATCHERS WORKS IN WAYS THAT MAKE ME WANT TO FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the article here:
Jessica Simpson is Hilarious and Fat for Weight Watchers of the Day

Dree Hemingway is Bendy for Terry Richardson of the Day

Dree Hemingway is Ernest Hemingway’s grand daughter or great grand daughter or some connection that I assume would make you step back and say “shit, that bitch is worth noticing, she’s Ernest Hemingways relation, and Ernest Hemingway was an American Literary Genius, someone they teach in schools, and she’s in a blood line, we should look at her and even hire her…..”….I mean that’s probably why she’s in pictures bending….or why she’s a model… Other Than the Fact that She Gets Naked for Fashion …..cuz people like associating with things they deem important….even if they really are a direct product of Hemingway’s ejaculate 60 years later….. That said I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a caring/giving soul….who does’t ride her family name at all and is responsible for her success solely on her hard work.

Dree Hemingway is Bendy for Terry Richardson of the Day