Tag Archives: worth-noticing

Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day

My favorite part of these Ariel Winter tits for Christmas shopping, is that she’s next to little kids dressed like this, you know in a don’t be body shamed, love your body all while trying to keep the paparazzi alive by giving them a story in an era where there is no Christmas but more importantly, where there is no real need for the paparazzi – because social media makes it obsolete, while making sites like mine also obsolete…not that I was ever relevant – that’d be crazy to think I was…people just liked jerking off to celeb tits and I happened to post them…but this isn’t about me…it’s a story of survival, a story of a young girl sold to the entertainment industry at a young age by her parents, where she was a commodity before even realizing she was a person…she was obviously sucked up to, coddled, taken care of so that her parents didn’t lose their big chance they dreamt of…..spoiled, well paid, on a hit show…but still a story of survival because despite having her tits reduced, she’s still got tits, they survived, they made it and just came out as better shaped tits, and until she turned 18 and figured she’ll give the world what they want…or what she has been reading they wanted as she googled herself on set figuring herself out..in her formative years….so thank her parents for her wonderful behavior….but don’t thank them for her weird shaped body she’s compelled to show off for whatever reason she’s showing it off for…maybe it’s teen rebellion…that worked out…both pissing her parents who exploited her off and celebrating her tits….who cares…really…who fucking cares… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day

Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day

My favorite part of these Ariel Winter tits for Christmas shopping, is that she’s next to little kids dressed like this, you know in a don’t be body shamed, love your body all while trying to keep the paparazzi alive by giving them a story in an era where there is no Christmas but more importantly, where there is no real need for the paparazzi – because social media makes it obsolete, while making sites like mine also obsolete…not that I was ever relevant – that’d be crazy to think I was…people just liked jerking off to celeb tits and I happened to post them…but this isn’t about me…it’s a story of survival, a story of a young girl sold to the entertainment industry at a young age by her parents, where she was a commodity before even realizing she was a person…she was obviously sucked up to, coddled, taken care of so that her parents didn’t lose their big chance they dreamt of…..spoiled, well paid, on a hit show…but still a story of survival because despite having her tits reduced, she’s still got tits, they survived, they made it and just came out as better shaped tits, and until she turned 18 and figured she’ll give the world what they want…or what she has been reading they wanted as she googled herself on set figuring herself out..in her formative years….so thank her parents for her wonderful behavior….but don’t thank them for her weird shaped body she’s compelled to show off for whatever reason she’s showing it off for…maybe it’s teen rebellion…that worked out…both pissing her parents who exploited her off and celebrating her tits….who cares…really…who fucking cares… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Big Tits for Christmas of the Day

Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day

Dree Hemingway is in Twin Magazine… She is Ernest Hemingway’s grand daughter or great grand daughter or some connection that I assume would make you step back and say “shit, that bitch is worth noticing, she’s Ernest Hemingways relation, and Ernest Hemingway was an American Literary Genius, someone they teach in schools, and she’s in a blood line, we should look at her and even hire her…..” Her last name isn’t even Hemingway, but use whatever you’ve got in your nude pics – cuz people like associating with things they deem important….so let them know you are a direct product of Hemingway’s ejaculate 60 years later….. That said I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a caring/giving soul….who does’t ride her family name at all and is responsible for her success solely on her hard work…that I doubt she needs to do – because there must be a trust fund out there, he’s still selling books and the money’s gotta go somewhere… She’s been naked before…so we like her. The post Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day

Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day

Dree Hemingway is in Twin Magazine… She is Ernest Hemingway’s grand daughter or great grand daughter or some connection that I assume would make you step back and say “shit, that bitch is worth noticing, she’s Ernest Hemingways relation, and Ernest Hemingway was an American Literary Genius, someone they teach in schools, and she’s in a blood line, we should look at her and even hire her…..” Her last name isn’t even Hemingway, but use whatever you’ve got in your nude pics – cuz people like associating with things they deem important….so let them know you are a direct product of Hemingway’s ejaculate 60 years later….. That said I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a caring/giving soul….who does’t ride her family name at all and is responsible for her success solely on her hard work…that I doubt she needs to do – because there must be a trust fund out there, he’s still selling books and the money’s gotta go somewhere… She’s been naked before…so we like her. The post Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dree Hemingway Titty of the Day

Serena Williams Ass of the DAy

I don’t think there is any debate that Serena Williams is on the “She’s a Man” program…starring Amanda Bynes…or was that Lady Bug with Jonathan Brandis…you know the age old story of men being stronger than women – so throw them into women’s sports dressed like a woman….to fucking win… I just don’t understand why her hormone levels have never been released to the media, outlining that she’s a man, maybe they know how to dose estrogen before the tests…who knows…but I also don’t understand how dudes fuck her, because she does fuck dudes, I mean I know it’ll be through her pooper hole, but that ass cheek is so fucking big, you’d need a monster dick to penetrate the anus seal…. I guess I’d need to watch her sex videos to really grasp it…but luckily those don’t exist yet….even though I’d probably try to jerk off to them because they’re something new and different…right… The post Serena Williams Ass of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Serena Williams Ass of the DAy

LadyMore Gaga Tit to Promote Her Album of the Day

Lady Gaga is promoting a new album, and this is how she does it, which is interesting because she’s Lady Gaga, but not really that interesting because she’s Lady Gaga, only interesting in the fact that there is no real need for her to be showing her tits out in public, there’s probably many other tactics she can take to get noticed or boost sales, you know take out ads on DRUNKENSTEPFATHER.COM….right?….but I guess people are more responsive to the nipples…we’re all so basic…give a man a tit…and all of a sudden he’s your fan…until you hide that tit and we’re forced to deal with shit music, a misuses of musical talent, a money grubber, fake performing artist, famewhore pulling any stunt she can…including…nipple…which is the only thing I think she’s good for…so keep up the promotions…it’s free…and it’s boring…in a world where I need to see vagina lip…but still worth noticing for a second…like any hard nipple in a see through shirt you come across…right.. The post LadyMore Gaga Tit to Promote Her Album of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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LadyMore Gaga Tit to Promote Her Album of the Day

Dree Hemingway is Bendy for Terry Richardson of the Day

Dree Hemingway is Ernest Hemingway’s grand daughter or great grand daughter or some connection that I assume would make you step back and say “shit, that bitch is worth noticing, she’s Ernest Hemingways relation, and Ernest Hemingway was an American Literary Genius, someone they teach in schools, and she’s in a blood line, we should look at her and even hire her…..”….I mean that’s probably why she’s in pictures bending….or why she’s a model… Other Than the Fact that She Gets Naked for Fashion …..cuz people like associating with things they deem important….even if they really are a direct product of Hemingway’s ejaculate 60 years later….. That said I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a caring/giving soul….who does’t ride her family name at all and is responsible for her success solely on her hard work.

Dree Hemingway is Bendy for Terry Richardson of the Day

Snooki is a Fat Bitch of the Day

It makes no sense to me that a pig like this is being followed by the paparazzi, landing book deals, has a TV show, when really I’d expect her to be working at the mall, or the bowling ally, where she spends her days eating chocolate and candy, and her nights at the all you can eat buffet, before getting shit faced with all her friends who decided to go to college instead of being the slob in the corner, passed out with her piss covered panties exposed… She is disgusting, like the girl that no matter how loud she gets isn’t worth noticing, even when throwing herself at you at 3 am, desperate to have a dick in her mouth to feel validated…. But for some reason, she’s a star in America and her waistline just can’t justify that.

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Snooki is a Fat Bitch of the Day