It makes no sense to me that a pig like this is being followed by the paparazzi, landing book deals, has a TV show, when really I’d expect her to be working at the mall, or the bowling ally, where she spends her days eating chocolate and candy, and her nights at the all you can eat buffet, before getting shit faced with all her friends who decided to go to college instead of being the slob in the corner, passed out with her piss covered panties exposed… She is disgusting, like the girl that no matter how loud she gets isn’t worth noticing, even when throwing herself at you at 3 am, desperate to have a dick in her mouth to feel validated…. But for some reason, she’s a star in America and her waistline just can’t justify that.

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Snooki is a Fat Bitch of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged america, before-getting, being-exposed, being-followed, bennyhollywood, celeb news, friends, like-the-girl, mma, panties-exposed, snooki, underwear, worth-noticing