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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Undergoes Wes Anderson Makeover

We’ve already seen what would happen if the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer had been directed by George Lucas : Many creatures, a lot of CGI and at least one appearance by a certain ghostly presence. But what if director Wes Anderson were to present the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer ? It might be set to “Le Temps De L’amour,” the song featured in the Moonrise Kingdom preview. It often might incorporate some overhead shots… and Anderson’s favorite font… and some mock Stormtrooper Polaroids. In other words: it might look and sound like this: Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer… Presented by Wes Anderson Thank you, genius Internet user who created this video and who referred to the mysterious Sith-like character in it as a “hooded ruffian.” It’s incredible. The Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first film in this iconic franchise since 2005, will be released on December 18, 2015. It will bring back old favorites such as Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill and it will include new members of the Star Wars universe such as Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega. As for the actual new Star Wars trailer, which was actually pretty incredible on its own? Here’s a look at the most memorable moments from it, in GIF form: 11 Memorable Scenes from the Star Wars Trailer 1. John Boyega As… … A Stormtrooper, we assume. But could this new cast member be posing as a Stormtrooper?

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Undergoes Wes Anderson Makeover