Tag Archives: sucking-bones

Lily Rose Depp Sucking Bones of the Day

The most interesting thing about Lily Rose Depp, is that she’s not the only Lily Rose out there, there are a handful of girls named Lily Rose, which is pretty funny….because it’s a reminder that Johnny Depp is just some candy coated, hollywood coddled, man child who has no real artistic integrity and is just some marketable bullshit that pretends to be an individual because he has had access to access to real artistic geniuses…who he rips off…I mean he even talks like Hunter S Thompson did before Johnny Depp even know who Thompson was… I guess that’s not the most interesting thing about Lily Rose Depp, the most interesting thing about her is that she’s some hot rich kid celebrity child who looks good sucking bones….spoiled, entitled, given all she wants, with all that access, making her potentially boring and weird…delusional and annoying…probably the type to associate with weirdos to try to have some meaning in her life…you know meaning beyond being Johnny’s daughter…but she looks good and that’s good enough for me and everyone else…it’s the instagram generation…we only care about memes not substance… . The post Lily Rose Depp Sucking Bones of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Originally posted here:
Lily Rose Depp Sucking Bones of the Day