Tag Archives: suddenly-jump

Kendall Jenner Does #NationalSelfieDay

According to my sources, it was #NationalSelfieDay yesterday. And even though I’m pretty sure that just was made up by some genius pervert in order to bank a bunch of new sexy selfies from across the Internet, I’m not going to complain. Because it clearly worked. Here’s Kendall Jenner doing her part, and with pictures this good, maybe we can turn this Selfie Day idea into a once a month thing. Or even once a week. Yow.

See more here:
Kendall Jenner Does #NationalSelfieDay

Paris Hilton’s HUGE Boobs Are An Illusion

I know we haven’t seen much of Paris Hilton lately, mostly because her 15 minutes of fame are pretty much over. But don’t be fooled by this busty selfie she just posted hoping to restart her clock. It’s just a trick of the light — you know, sort of like what I do to all my dating profile pics to make it look like I don’t live in my mom’s basement. Anyway, so no, Paris didn’t suddenly jump up a few bra sizes. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it. So there you go, Paris, your 15 minutes just got extended by another 30 seconds. Maybe even 45 if I concentrate really hard. Congrats!

Read the original post:
Paris Hilton’s HUGE Boobs Are An Illusion