Tag Archives: suddenly-more

Shailene WOodley GOT TITS of the Day

Shailene Woodley wants you to know she has tits….Thanks Shailene Woodley…because you’re suddenly more interesting than you ever were…because Shailene Woodley are a very important tool in the feminist movement to allow us to really grasp and understand or even benchmark and qualify or quantify a girl’s worth. I’m glad the suffragette movement has brought us to this. Give them the right to vote, the right to work, paid Maternity leave, yet they still think all that matters about them is showing their tits…it’s their right..to be empowered women, who don’t sexualize their body, they let you sexualize it for them, only to yell at you about sexualizing them, when all I really want to see is her ‘artist’ bush… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Shailene WOodley GOT TITS of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shailene WOodley GOT TITS of the Day