Tag Archives: suing-the-website

Lindsay Lohan Sues E*Trade Over Talking Baby Commercial – The …

The Consumerist highlights the persistent, shameless gaffes of modern consumerism – and the latest scams, rip-offs, hot deals and freebies. We also encourage our readers to tell us about their everyday experiences with absurdities of …

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Lindsay Lohan Sues E*Trade Over Talking Baby Commercial – The …

Lindsay Lohan Sues Over E-Trade Ad | NewsReal Blog

The young Hollywood star is suing E-Trade for $100 million, claiming that the baby depicted as a boyfriend-stealing milkaholic named Lindsay was a reference.

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Lindsay Lohan Sues Over E-Trade Ad | NewsReal Blog

Lindsay Lohan Sues E-Trade – The Daily Beast

Maybe she also deserves Lindsey Vonn’s gold medal? Lindsay Lohan is suing the website E-Trade for $100 million because she says an ad featuring a bab.

Excerpt from:
Lindsay Lohan Sues E-Trade – The Daily Beast