Tag Archives: superior-work

Movieline Scorecard: Human Centipede Vs. Captain EO

On Friday, as you may remember (or as you may not remember, if you quickly pushed the experience out of your mind to protect your mental well-being), I liveblogged a Very Special On Demand Viewing of The Human Centipede , so that any curious-but-potentially-squeamish readers could get a sense of whether or not they might want to subject themselves to the horrors of the moment’s most buzzed-about human/insect hybrid how-to film. As chance would have it, I followed up my afternoon Centipede screening with a night trip to Disneyland, where I placed myself in the thrall of yet another unspeakable cinematic abomination: the Magic Kingdom’s Captain EO Tribute, an attraction hastily revived following the death of embattled (but still generally beloved) star Michael Jackson. Surviving this unprecedented double-feature demands some kind of analytical reckoning, and so we’ve pitted the two in a point-by-point deathmatch to determine the superior work of art. Which will prevail? Let’s find out.

Read more from the original source:
Movieline Scorecard: Human Centipede Vs. Captain EO