Tag Archives: sweet-hooker

Katy Perry In Sweet Hooker Boots

My relationship with Katy Perry has been a rollercoaster love affair; it started off with me hating everything about her music, fashion sense and contrived club-girl persona.

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Katy Perry In Sweet Hooker Boots

Rihanna Is From The Future

Normally I find Rihanna pretty sexy, but she’s been slipping into this Grace Jones like character and you don’t want to be compared to Grace Jones because that dude chick is scary .

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Rihanna Is From The Future

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs

Now that Victoria Beckham has had her big fake boobs reduced I feel like I’ve lost a little of my lust for her. I look at her the way a dog who’s had his nuts removed looks at a leg, it’s just not the same any more. Here’s she is at Fashion’s Night Out in a dress that could desperately use some filling out.

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs