Tag Archives: even-skinnier

Anne Hathaway Is Very Serious About Nudity [PIC]

Anne Hathaway really wants that Oscar. She chopped off all her hair and is making her skinny frame even skinnier with an extremely restrictive diet for her role as Fantine, a prostitute dying of tuberculosis (uhm…hot?) in the movie musical Les Miserables . Not only that, but she’s doing all of her own singing for the movie- no lip synching allowed. You see, she’s pretty serious. Even about getting naked: “ I’m as vain as the next girl, but I think it’s my job to show people as they live, and nudity is a part of life ,” she tells the fashion rag Allure. It’s not just a part of life, it’s the best part of life- at least as far as Mr. Skin is concerned. Celebrate life with outstanding nude pics of Anne Hathaway in Havoc (2005), Love and Other Drugs (2010) and more right here at MrSkin.com!

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Anne Hathaway Is Very Serious About Nudity [PIC]

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs

Now that Victoria Beckham has had her big fake boobs reduced I feel like I’ve lost a little of my lust for her. I look at her the way a dog who’s had his nuts removed looks at a leg, it’s just not the same any more. Here’s she is at Fashion’s Night Out in a dress that could desperately use some filling out.

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs