Tag Archives: breasts-been

Victoria Beckham Throws Me A Bone

In the last little while all the pictures I’ve gotten of Victoria Beckham have involved her walking out the door of her hotel. So boring, especially considering that her awesome implants, may they rest in peace, have been dead and gone for over a year now. The good news is that this time she decided she’d throw me a bone and wear a nice little pair of stylish denim short shorts. I’m not sure if it threw me a bone, but I’d say it’s at least a chub. Enjoy.

Victoria Beckham’s Hot Skinny Legs

Here’s Victoria Beckham doing something I don’t care about in New York City the other day wearing a nice pair of tight leather pants. I don’t know what else to tell you, once she got the boobs removed, may they rest in peace, she’s become pretty lame. Sure she’s still got her hot skinny lady body, but it’s just not the same without the big fake floatation devices. It’s like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the damn jelly. Useless.

Victoria Beckham’s Breasts Are Missed

It’s been about a year or so since I first heard the rumors that Victoria Beckham had decided to have her wonderful fake boobs removed, I didn’t want to believe it at first, but deep down inside I knew it was happening and I’ve been in mourning ever since. I miss those things so much. The sad thing is that she did it to get on the cover of Vogue magazine. Can you believe that? A woman would mutilate her body to get onto a magazine cover. What has the world come to? more pictures of Victoria Beckham here

Victoria Justice Is A Fine Young Woman

I don’t know who this Victoria Justice chick is, but she kinda reminds me of a younger version of Vanessa Marcil from that show about Las Vegas that was on a few years ago. I want to say she’s hot, but I’m not really sure how old she is so I’m just going to say that she looks like a fine young woman who has lots of potential and a bright future ahead of her and I hope to see more of her as she gets older. Good enough.

Victoria Beckham’s Boob Do What They Do Best

Ever since I heard that David Beckham was injured and out of the World Cup , I’ve been kind of giving Victoria Beckham the cold shoulder. Not because I think it was her fault, but because now that her husband’s got no career and she’s got no career what the hell is left? Anyhow, here she is at the mall or the airport or at her new job as a greeter at Wal Mart looking pretty damn hot. Where can I find the Hemorrhoid cream?

Victoria Beckham’s Classy Sideboob Pictures

When it comes to the sideboob, nobody does it better than Miss Victoria Beckham . I don’t know if that’s actually true, there’s no way of checking that sort of stat because the government doesn’t keep figures like that just yet, but I’m keeping it because I can’t be bothered to think of anything more interesting at this time. Besides, none of you are really reading this right now, you’re all too busy blowing up or zooming in on these pictures to see if you can spot a nipple. It’s alright, you can admit it.

Victoria Beckham Is Losing Her Touch

I thought I would put up a few pictures of Victoria Beckham at the airport because I feel bad about her husband injuring himself so badly that it will take him out of the World Cup . That’s the only reason because sadly she’s not showing us anything worthwhile. I think it’s possible that Victoria has past her prime and has decided to cover up for good. An end of an era. more pictures of Victoria Beckham here

Victoria Beckham Is Almost See-through

Here’s Victoria Beckham wearing a sorta see-through top in Heathrow Airport. If this was a year ago, I’d be in heaven gawking at her Frankenstein–like funbags, but now they’re gone and I have to figure what else to write about… Her hair? Her shoes

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Victoria Beckham Is Almost See-through

Victoria Beckham Ruins A See Through Moment

What has happened to the Victoria Beckham I’ve come to know and love? It seems like just yesterday I was making jokes about her big plastic funbags , and now here she is ruining a perfectly good see through top. Not only is she wearing pasties to cover her nipples, but her boobs are so small now that it almost doesn’t even matter anymore

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Victoria Beckham Ruins A See Through Moment

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs

Now that Victoria Beckham has had her big fake boobs reduced I feel like I’ve lost a little of my lust for her. I look at her the way a dog who’s had his nuts removed looks at a leg, it’s just not the same any more. Here’s she is at Fashion’s Night Out in a dress that could desperately use some filling out.

Victoria Beckham Is Bones And No Boobs