Let’s take a moment out of our busy unemployed lives…to look at this perfectly captured moment Taylor Swift was nice enough to share of us…of her face scrunched up…in what could be her uncomfortable with the smell of Black people, as some people from Tennessee would be…or maybe it’s just her reminding us that she’s quirky as fuck and has zero sex appeal no matter how spread her legs are…or how many dudes she’s let cum inside her….because I have a feeling that this is what she looks like when she’s focused and about to cum….all like the kid allergic to everything in your elementary school having an asthma attach because he sat next to someone eating a peanut butter sandwich…and if that’s not erotic to you…you’re dead on the inside…even though Taylor Swift is never erotic to me…because I am dead on the inside…but gay guys love her…and so do the Christians…so her sex appeal, no matter how hard she tries…still drives her boyfriends to erotic massage parlors…that don’t give prostate massages but that still jerk you off…because either Taylor is shitty in bed, or they don’t even have sex and it’s all business…or she’s a freak and made him do it…because her people are her puppets…who knows… The post Taylor Swift Face of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I just assume “Tim” was a surly, angry, gay who possibly woke up on the wrong side of the anal sex this morning…because he is a flight attendant or as I call them “Stewardess”…and this story is ridiculous… After this girl didn’t hear Tim (flight attendant in aisle) ask her to move to let someone by near the front of the plane, he raised his voice, which surprised and upset her. She apologized to him, took her seat in front of me, but then called another attendant over to say Tim had been rude to her. Tim saw this and had her thrown off the flight! Afterward about 20 of us grabbed the pilot at the gate to complain, this shear number shows Tim was way out of line and was just being an ass. USAir/American Flight 408, October 11, 2015. The girl was in seat 20F. Don’t fly these airlines!! Tim is a power tripping chubby bitch….but keep in mind US AIR is the worst fucking airline in the US AIR.. It kinda reminds me of this rat killing a pigeon… The post Surly Gay Flight Attendant Kicks Girl Off the Plane of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Follow me on Twitter! @StayStrongJuju Song: Fall by Justin Bieber. From his new album Believe. I really love this song, it kinda reminds me of A Walk to Remember, if you’ve seen the movie or read the book.(: This is definately one of my favorite songs on Believe, I think it’s absolutely beautiful. If you haven’t bought Believe yet, you won’t regret it if you do. We’re converting the haters! (: Yes, this is sped up a bit. I hadn’t listened to the album yet so I didn’t notice until right after I posted it. But it’s cool, now there’s no copyright.(: I OWN NOTHING. DAMN UMG. Update: 9/8/12 90000+ VIEWS?! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Update: 10/11/12 — 132 thousand views! http://www.youtube.com/v/ftkcLnln0bs?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: Fall – Justin Bieber (Lyrics)
Follow me on Twitter! @StayStrongJuju Song: Fall by Justin Bieber. From his new album Believe. I really love this song, it kinda reminds me of A Walk to Remember, if you’ve seen the movie or read the book.(: This is definately one of my favorite songs on Believe, I think it’s absolutely beautiful. If you haven’t bought Believe yet, you won’t regret it if you do. We’re converting the haters! (: Yes, this is sped up a bit. I hadn’t listened to the album yet so I didn’t notice until right after I posted it. But it’s cool, now there’s no copyright.(: I OWN NOTHING. DAMN UMG. Update: 9/8/12 90000+ VIEWS?! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Update: 10/11/12 — 132 thousand views! http://www.youtube.com/v/ftkcLnln0bs?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: Fall – Justin Bieber (Lyrics)
Thank you all for watching. Subscribe =D &&’ follow me, i know you want; @AsenaJustin_ http://www.youtube.com/v/wBbbHENRnlI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Link: Justin Bieber – Tell me lyrics.
I don’t know who this Victoria Justice chick is, but she kinda reminds me of a younger version of Vanessa Marcil from that show about Las Vegas that was on a few years ago. I want to say she’s hot, but I’m not really sure how old she is so I’m just going to say that she looks like a fine young woman who has lots of potential and a bright future ahead of her and I hope to see more of her as she gets older. Good enough.