Tag Archives: sydney-clearly

Sydney Leathers "Weiner And Me" Porn Movie: Released!

Anthony Weiner’s nothing-but-class sexting partner Sydney Leathers has released her adult film debut, courtesy of the venerable studio Vivid Entertainment. Its title? Weiner and Me. With the NYC mayoral primary fast approaching and the disgraced politician’s poll numbers at all-time lows, the film’s release does not help Weiner. Not that he had a prayer anyway, but still. Doesn’t help. Especially given the overt references to his seedy ways – and hilarious sexting handle . In one scene, Sydney Leathers is walking down the street wearing a fake campaign T-shirt that reads “Erect Carlos Danger For Mayor” … get it? The movie also features an actor playing a well-endowed Anthony Weiner . At one point, the 23-year-old Leathers is seen with a tie around her neck with a look of ecstasy etched on her face as she prepares to remove his pants. SPOILER ALERT: Unlike his attempt at a political comeback, she succeeds. Speaking to the N.Y. Daily News, the Indiana native said: “There is sex, but it has some really funny bits too. That’s part of the reason I agreed to do it.” “After I did the Vivid photo shoot a couple weeks ago, people already thought I made a porno, so it was like, “Eh, they think I did, I might as well.” Yes, this is a separate project from the previous Sydney Leathers porn endeavor, which merely consisted of erotic photos … just clearing that up. “My whole thing is, even if I’m cashing in my body, it’s my body to cash in on. It was my choice. No one knows what’s best for me better than I do.” “Obviously I wouldn’t have done it if I thought it was going to ruin my life.” Good point, Sydney. Clearly that happened a long time prior to this.

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Sydney Leathers "Weiner And Me" Porn Movie: Released!