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TEDxTalks: “Black Girl Magic” In The Fashion Industry By CK Model Ebonee Davis [Video]

Ebonee Davis is on the rise for being just who she is. In this TED Talk from the University of Nevada, Ebonee explains the psychological warfare waged against black children dealing with the “good hair” prejudice in the black community. TED : After Alton Sterling was murdered by police last summer, Ebonee Davis wrote a letter to the fashion industry highlighting the duty fashion media has to help change the perception of black people. In her impassioned talk, she further explores this idea as she recalls her experiences as a black model in the industry. She emphasizes that the fashion industry does not only reflect and beauty standards, its a reflection of the current state of our democracy. As creators of media, the industry must work to reinstate the humanity of the systematically dehumanized and create a society where everyone can take pride in who they are and where they come from. After being discovered at the age of 18, Ebonee Davis left Seattle for New York City to pursue her modeling dream. Throughout her fast-track career, she’s graced the pages of some of the most coveted publications in fashion, from Teen Vogue to Sports Illustrated. Davis was one of six finalists in the Sports Illustrated Model Search and she appeared in two of Calvin Klein’s new campaigns.

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TEDxTalks: “Black Girl Magic” In The Fashion Industry By CK Model Ebonee Davis [Video]