Tag Archives: take-snapshots

Lindsay Lohan Face of the Day

Since Lohan’s face is morphing every day….I like to take snapshots of the weirder moments and send them to her over text. She never answers….maybe she changed her number – or maybe she doesn’t find it as entertaining as I do…you know cuz usually when someone is injecting their face full of shit, ruining their loveliness, becoming what looks like a circus clown, they don’t like to admit it….or accept it…or take it to the cancer ward to humor little kids dying, RIP ADAM YAUCH…..They instead like to pretend it is beautiful and that they look good cuz they don’t have to look at it, in denial…and that’s okay too….as long as they bring the entertainment, I don’t care how they rationalize it….sure I’d prefer if her great tits were in the mix…but you can’t have everything…and in my case…I can’t have anything….that’s just how life worked itself out…. The rumor is she’s back with Ronson, the truth is she’s ignoring me, I’m a purist and appreciate all that is Lohan….I take the lows and the highs that come with her….and I anxiously await her Academy Award speech, shutting all you haters up…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan Face of the Day