Tag Archives: take-the-good

Jada Pinkett-Smith In a Bikini of the Day

Jada Pinkett-Smith wore a bikini…I guess the beard was given the week off from bearding her homosexual husband, who isn’t homosexual, because in scientology homosexuals don’t exist, that’s why all the homosexuals who sign up the shit sign up to the shit….it allows them to believe their bullshit lie…even when getting hand jobs by male masseuses as their autistic kid who is not austic according to Scientology die in the Bahamas shower…John Travolta… There have been stories of Jada and Will having an open relationship, which is how a publicist spins “he’s gay”…. So she bangs other dudes, as he bangs other dudes…and here she is in a bikini….I mean I don’t care about Jada Pinkett even in a bikini..she’s old as fuck and a mom of a bunch…and not that interesting to look at…but I guess bikinis is what I do…and in doing that, I take the good and that bad, like yesterday in the park, I stared at whatever was half naked in front of me, and some of those half nakeds should have been in snow suits…while Jada…is like whatever. TO see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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Jada Pinkett-Smith In a Bikini of the Day

Jada Pinkett-Smith In a Bikini of the Day

Jada Pinkett-Smith wore a bikini…I guess the beard was given the week off from bearding her homosexual husband, who isn’t homosexual, because in scientology homosexuals don’t exist, that’s why all the homosexuals who sign up the shit sign up to the shit….it allows them to believe their bullshit lie…even when getting hand jobs by male masseuses as their autistic kid who is not austic according to Scientology die in the Bahamas shower…John Travolta… There have been stories of Jada and Will having an open relationship, which is how a publicist spins “he’s gay”…. So she bangs other dudes, as he bangs other dudes…and here she is in a bikini….I mean I don’t care about Jada Pinkett even in a bikini..she’s old as fuck and a mom of a bunch…and not that interesting to look at…but I guess bikinis is what I do…and in doing that, I take the good and that bad, like yesterday in the park, I stared at whatever was half naked in front of me, and some of those half nakeds should have been in snow suits…while Jada…is like whatever. TO see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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Jada Pinkett-Smith In a Bikini of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez Lesbian Bikini of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez is a lesbian in a bikini in Cannes…who gives a fuck.. Shee was a Monkey in a Bikini in Cannes… In 2007: HERE In 2011: HERE bonus MEME and in HERE IN 2012: HERE If you like repetitive bullshit, like a monkey looking’ lesbian in a bikini….then I guess M-Rod who doesn’t like ROD, unless it is attached to a girl model with straps….is your girl…

Michelle Rodriguez Lesbian Bikini of the Day

Bryana Holly Instagram Model of the Day

I like instagram models… They only exist because they are sluts on social media who want to be actual models, but who no one believed in, so they went out there and did it themselves….working for brands for free like model interns, all in exchange for a plug on their social media to build their fame factor, and maybe in Bryana Holly’s case, sluts with more than the right brands and photographers, but also with the right penis, like Brody Jenner because he was that low level stamp of approval she needed at 18…to be relevant… This girl is the best free model a shoutout on your big brand’s social media can do to validate her and send her more followers can buy… The low level, famous for 3 minute girls may be killing the modelling business with all their free work, but their desperation is pornographic to me. Keep on trying you free model trick…

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Bryana Holly Instagram Model of the Day

Jenna Pietersen Hot Shoot of the Day

Jenna Pietersen is nice. She’s some South African model and blogger and mom..and I guess you take the good with the bad, since she looks good when she’s posing, even if historically, babies and baby ruined mom pussy have been a deal breaker for me…but not really because I’ll have sex with anything, even when it looks like it’s had a dozen fucking babies, which is unlike Jenna Pietersen, who in my mind looks like a virginal angel sent from heaven… I don’t know what this shoot is for, but I like it…

Jenna Pietersen Hot Shoot of the Day