Tag Archives: take-the-truth

Black “Daily Show” Writer Says Jon Stewart Told Him To “Fawk Off” Over Proposed Racism Segment

  Y’all already know white guilt only goes so far right? Even for the most liberal folks — sometimes they just can’t take the truth! Via NY Daily News reports : Wyatt Cenac, who left the night time political show in 2012, appeared on Marc Maron’s podcast WTF, where he shared a story about the host attacking him. The conversation began when Maron asked the writer if he and Stewart got along and he simply answered, “naw.” The two didn’t see eye-to-eye after Fox News started attacking the Daily Show for Stewart’s impression of Herman Cain. The host came up with the idea to do a segment called “everything I do is racist,” and Cenac told him he thought it was a bad idea. Instead of hearing Cenac out, Stewart apparently got really defensive. “I remember he was like, ‘What are you trying to say? There’s a tone in your voice,’” he explained. “I was like, ‘There’s no tone, it bothered me.’ And I was like, ‘It sounded like Kingfish.’ Then he got upset, and he stood up, and he was just like, ‘F–k off, I’m done with you.’” The comedian stormed out of the room and although their dispute didn’t get “settled” according to Cenac he did eventually tell him he “shouldn’t have yelled.”   This seems pretty mild considering how passionate ish can get in the writers room but we’re disappointed in Jon Stewart for losing his cool and not respecting Wyatt’s opinion. Oh and is it just us, or is Wyatt kinda fine???   APImages/Charles Sykes

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Black “Daily Show” Writer Says Jon Stewart Told Him To “Fawk Off” Over Proposed Racism Segment