The newest trailer for ‘Ride Along 2’ is here, and it looks epic.
Late Night News Recap: The New Trailer For ‘Ride Along 2’ Is Released & More
Simon Monjack is the epitome of a bad seed. Dude is such a shady character that minutes after Brittany Murphy died , THG readers were speculating that he must have had something to do with her demise. That’s unfair to the guy. But little he does can be taken at face value. Such is the case with the Brittany Murphy Foundation, a charity he started to honor her. The only problem? It’s not really a charity . The Brittany Murphy Foundation run by Simon Monjack and Brittany’s mother Sharon hadn’t filed the necessary documents to qualify as a charity or nonprofit. As soon as this was reported, the website immediately shut down. It’s now back up with the following notice, promising to give back all donations so far … Pretty sketchy explanation about getting off the ground quickly … definitely not to capitalize on media attention paid to the late 32-year-old’s tragic death. Naw. The non-foundation says it will wait “until we have our non-profit status approved before proceeding to insure we can truly honor Brittany’s charitable desires.” If those desires included a Simon Monjack Drinking Fund, she’s smiling somewhere right now. If they were anything else, we wouldn’t be holding our breath.
Read more:
Fake Brittany Murphy Charity Shut Down
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged all-donations, approved-before, bennyhollywood, drinking-fund, Gossip, ground-quickly, Hollywood, media-attention, monjack, sharon, simon-monjack, taken-at-face, TMZ