Tag Archives: talented-writer

Dude Opening Doors With his Head of the Day

This is probably the video that best describes me on any given day, when faced with the bullshit that is the world that we live in…from government…to celebrity…to fame whores and money grubbers…only unlike the Russian…I don’t actually smash my head or light myself on fire…I just prefer drinking until it either goes away or doesn’t really matter…you see I’m not a revolutionary out to change the world…and I’m to lazy to be phased by the nonsense everyone buys into…but I am into watching idiots be idiots..and that’s why we’re starting the day with this hustle…cuz suicide ruins all the fun. Here’s a guy burning himself on a statue…

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Dude Opening Doors With his Head of the Day

Lena Dunham Milks her Mother of the Day

Lena Dunham may be a talented writer, she may have great concepts and a great sense of humour, but the fact remains that she is disgusting and if her parents were not in the New York art scene and she wasn’t some little rich kid hipster with a trust fund, the only people who would be reading her writing would be her cats and maybe her vibrator…or even some socially awkward dude who probably raped at least one person because getting with her requires sexual deviance….but that’s not the lottery ticket she was given…the lottery ticket she was given involved getting her projects funded and sold…and she became figurehead for ugly chicks to think it’s ok to be ugly, and that you’ll get on TV if you’re ugly, thanks to this whole anti-Cyberbullying bullshit…to make the losers feel like winners…even though society was built on survival of the fittest… Here she is with her mother, or what you’d expect her mother to look like, if you didn’t know that her mother is some well connected Kris Jenner who made Lena Dunham exist, probably out of guilt for the nuclear meltdown that was her and her husbands genetic incompatibility

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Lena Dunham Milks her Mother of the Day