If you were among the dozens of people clamoring to see Wiz Khalifa and Carla Howe having sex on tape, well, no Christmas miracle here. You’re out of luck. She’s had a change of heart about selling it , according to TMZ. Whispers of a Wiz Khalifa sex tape featuring Carla Howe first surfaced earlier this month, but he was not happy, claiming he didn’t know he was being filmed. Howe had a meeting set with Vivid Entertainment, the production company and distributor behind the Kim Kardashian sex tape , in order to sell the product. Vivid was gearing up to put out a big offer, but none came. In fact, she was a no-show at the meeting. So that’s that. Apparently, Wiz (who is recently separated from wife Amber Rose) and Carla talked it out and the duo eventually agreed they would not release the sex tape after all. It’s unclear if money or bodily fluids changed hands. Either way, don’t look for the “Black and Yellow” rapper to join this esteemed list of celebrities who are also porn stars anytime soon … for better or worse: 15 Celebrity Sex Tape Stars 1. Kendra Wilkinson Before Hugh Hefner and before Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson got freaky on video with an old boyfriend. And she’s got a real talent for rodeo.
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Carla Howe-Wiz Khalifa Sex Tape: Off the Market!