Tag Archives: talking-bikini

Gretchen Rossi in Her Bikini a Tao in Vegas of the Day

Gretchen Rossi is some useless weathered cunt from some Desperate Real Housewives shit that I refuse to watch because I think it was sent to us from the devil… You see I hate women like that…I see them all the time….and they consistently disgust me….not cuz they are rich or married to rich guys…but because they are tacky fake tan trashy rich women who look like gutter fucking strippers…when I like my High Society to be sophisticated, classy, like fucking the Royal Family.. I like to get my gutter trash for 10 dollars a song, 60 dollars a blowjob and 100 dollars to fuck….not from snobby,bullshit, society pussy that thinks it is hotter than it is and more important than it is….that doesn’t work and just spends their husbands money. The worst kind of hooker. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gretchen Rossi in Her Bikini a Tao in Vegas of the Day

Sarah Stephens for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Sarah Stephens is a 21 year old model from Australia, who walked the Victoria’s Secret fashion show when she was 18, and I think she’s spectacular…especially now that she’s modeling real lingerie, you know some rock and roll throwback shit for Agent Provocateur that you’d expect to see on a stripper in 1920s, you know with a bit of fucking attitude, unlike your mom’s underwear over at Victoria’s Secret, all boring, photoshopped, and appealing to Christians. Here are the pics….if you look close enough you will see bush… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Sarah Stephens for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Selena Gomez Bikini Pic for Twitter of the Day

Selena Gomez posted some pics of her body that makes me feel like a sex offender even though she’s 20….and has sex with Justin Bieber….increasing her chances of being HIV positive you know since it is the Gay disease….and girls for years have been banging closet cases getting the shit…. That said, bikini pics are the main reason facebook and twitter work….and not just bikini pics of young starlets…I’m talking bikini pics of everyday girls we know – work with go to school with….this is shit we never had access to before social networking…but is shit girls love producing now that we have social networking…cuz they are all a gang of whores – thank god.

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Selena Gomez Bikini Pic for Twitter of the Day