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Kailyn Lowry Accused of Stiffing Fans Who Ordered Autographed Books

Few reality stars have as close a relationship with their fan base as Kailyn Lowry. In addition to starring in Teen Mom 2 , Kail hosts a podcast in which she offers even more details about her personal life, and she’s a popular presence on Twitter. You might say Kail is something of an open book — an apt description, given that Lowry is also a bestselling author . Kail recently published her fourth book, A Letter of Love , and in keeping with her devotion to her fans, she’s been offering autographed copies at a reasonable rate. Unfortunately, it seems some fans who ordered these personalized copies have yet to receive them. Apparently, the problem was that the distributor delivered a shipment to Kail’s house in order for her to sign them, and she was unable to bring the box inside right away. As a result, the books were damaged by the weather, and Kail was unable to ship them out. She explained the situation on Twitter today: “Update on “A Letter Of Love”, I am working with my attorneys to obtain rights to my book so I can have new books printed and sent to those of you who have yet to receive your copies,” Lowry tweeted. “At this time, the publisher does not seem to be issuing refunds or sending out new copies.” She added: “If you are looking to receive a refund from them, I would recommend to dispute the charge with whatever payment method was used to pay. “Contact with the publisher has been very sporadic and I am working as quickly as possible to get this rectified with my attorneys.” For the most part, fans were forgiving, but a few remained upset following Kail’s explanation: “The publisher said they had the books sent to YOU to sign and YOU LEFT THEM OUTSIDE! That’s your fault,” wrote one fan. “YOU said you left them outside  How come your not refunding us or having them print more for you? It’s a tough situation, and while the fans anger is understandable, it seems there’s not much Kail can do at the moment. It also seems that she’s deeply upset about the situation. “I think I’m gona eat my feelings & go to sleep,” Lowry tweeted today. Sometimes that’s the only option. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry Talks Leaving Teen Mom 2: Is This the End?!

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Kailyn Lowry Accused of Stiffing Fans Who Ordered Autographed Books