Tag Archives: taraji-keeps

Taraji P. Henson Tried To Clear Up Her R. Kelly Comments And STILL Got Dragged Back To Jody’s House

Source: David Crotty / Getty Taraji Keeps Getting Dragged Taraji really tried it . Her movie, What Men Want,” comes out next week and she’s making her press runs. Well, she decided to make things much harder for her career and movie prospects by going on an IG rant about why Harvey Weinstein wasn’t getting “muted” like R. Kelly despite the fact Weinstein is actually on trial for his crimes and Kelly…is not. She was quickly dragged but tried to bounce back with a clarification. LET ME BE CLEAR R. KELLY IS GUILTY AND WRONG AND SHOULD BE MUTED PERIOD!!!!! — Taraji P. Henson (@TherealTaraji) January 22, 2019 It was too late, however, as the dragging has commenced and only intensified since her statement came out. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU, TARAJI! Damn. Take a look… Between her and Erykah caping for R. Kelly? Taraji about to have #MuteWhatMenWant trending if she’s not careful. — M’BlockU (@rodimusprime) January 22, 2019

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Taraji P. Henson Tried To Clear Up Her R. Kelly Comments And STILL Got Dragged Back To Jody’s House