Tag Archives: tchotchke

On DVD: Tim Burton Goes Trippy But Tame with Alice in Wonderland

I tend to think ambitious film versions of Alice in Wonderland get produced when there is otherwise a serious lack of good dope: There were only a few trifling TV maladaptions in the ’60s, when military-grade hallucinogens were available on every college-town street corner. Today, it’s almost impossible to find trip-worthy pharms anywhere, and so we get the most gratuitously outrageous Alice yet, crafted as another tchotchke in Tim Burton’s wonder cabinet, and warpingly digital from the top to the bottom of every frame. The movie practically breaks its back trying to deliver an old-fashioned lysergic buzz, and the effort is most of what you walk away admiring. Honestly, Burton’s Wonderland looks like a mashup of Hogwarts, Oz, Middle Earth, DisneyWorld, FAO Schwartz and 300’s Thermopylae — nothing has been left out.

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On DVD: Tim Burton Goes Trippy But Tame with Alice in Wonderland