Tag Archives: tears-or-not

Courtney Robertson: OWNED on The Bachelor Women Tell All Special

It’s normally a chance for the rejected bachelorettes to confront the man that sent them packing, but it was primarily Courtney Robertson in the hot seat and under fire on The Bachelor: Women Tell All episode Monday night. The women wasted no time in criticizing Robertson, calling her a villain, a phony, a grouch, a two-faced fame-seeker and pretty much an awful human being overall. And that was all before she even took the stage! Then it got worse: Courtney Robertson on The Women Tell All Not only was Courtney slammed – politely but forcefully – by third and fourth place finishers Nicki Sterling and Kacie Boguskie (probably the two nicest people ever), her former rival Emily O’Brien absolutely owned her ass Monday. Crocodile tears or not, Courtney was definitely crying up there. Surprisingly (or not, for a master manipulator), she chose to apologize, saying, “I’m sorry. I take it all back. Looking back, I’m really sorry I hurt all of your feelings.” “You may say it’s not genuine but it is,” she said. Mmm hmm. The Bachelor himself, Ben Flajnik, was only featured at the very end, starting off his not-even-10-minute segment by saying “welcome to my nightmare.” Doesn’t exactly bode well for his chances with Courtney, or Lindzi. Whoever Ben picks on the season finale next week (see our Bachelor spoilers page for more info on that oft-discussed topic), he’s not looking too pleased with life now. You tell us: Courtney Robertson on The Bachelor …

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Courtney Robertson: OWNED on The Bachelor Women Tell All Special