WTF is wrong with Bristol Palin …she’s now dating her baby’s auntie’s sloppy seconds??? Bristol Palin has found love again — this time with the ex-boyfriend of her baby daddy Levi Johnston’s sister! “She may have everyone else fooled, but Bristol gets around,” Levi’s sister Mercede tells Star in an exclusive interview inside our Feb. 14 issue, on sale now. Bristol is dating Mercede’s former flame Giacinto “Gino” Paoletti, a high school classmate from Alaska. “They would hook up, but they never officially dated until now,” Mercede explains. In early January, Bristol, along with her 2-year-old son, Tripp, moved into a five-bedroom pad in Maricopa, Ariz., that Gino now calls home. But Bristol might want to reconsider playing house, warns Mercede. “I got to know the real Gino, and that wasn’t pleasant.” Tales of a teenage slut. SMH. Source
Excerpt from:
SMH: Bristol Palin’s New Boyfriend Is Her Baby Daddy’s Little Sister’s Ex