Tag Archives: texas-general

Police Visit Justin Bieber, Respond to Complaints Over Reckless Driving

Really, Justin Bieber? Again?!? The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed to E! News that officers paid this singer a visit at his home last night after neighbors complained Bieber was driving recklessly . No other details are available right now and no one from Bieber’s camp has commented… but this FAR from the first time Justin has been accused of speeding around like a maniac. In March, Bieber got into it with a man next door – allegedly spitting on him during their confrontation – because the neighbor took issue with how fast Justin was driving with kids around. In July 2012, Bieber was cited for reckless driving after a high-speed chase with the paparazzi. In December 2011, he was pulled over for making an illegal turn . In October 2011, he actually cut off a cop on the road. So, the question must now be asked: Should Justin Bieber have his license suspended?   Yes, he’s out of control! No, he’s adorable! View Poll »

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Police Visit Justin Bieber, Respond to Complaints Over Reckless Driving

Man of Steel Trailer Recreated with Minecraft Characters

Warner Bros. recently released a Man of Steel trailer titled “Ideal of Hope.” It’s rather awesome and it has us incredibly excited for this blockbuster’s June 14 release. But is it as awesome as the version recreated by Steelehouse Productions, which is dubbed “Mine of Steel” and which uses nothing but blocks/character from the game Minecraft? Compare the previews now and decide for yourself! Man of Steel Trailer: Minecraft Style! Man of Steel Trailer: Extended

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Man of Steel Trailer Recreated with Minecraft Characters

Kanye West Video Showing Fails in Texas, Rapper Slammed as "Disrespecful"

Note to Kanye West: Stop trying to mess with Texas. On Friday night, the rapper announced a showing of his video for ” New Slaves ” on a building in Houston, only to have police show up at the Rothko Chapel and threaten to arrest all attendees for trespassing. The event never took place. On Sunday, meanwhile, West told website readers to gather around the Alamo in San Antonio for another viewing. But when hundreds showed up, law enforcement officials were on the scene, saying there was no permit in place for a projection and anyone attempting to put one up would face legal consequences. Chalk up another quashed Kanye event. And also chalk up some criticism aimed at the star, as Texas National Movement member Angie Alexander told MySanAntonio.com that it was “very disrespectful to the people who died” at the Alamo for West to have even conceived of an event there. Mark Loeffler – spokesperson for the Texas General Land Office and the Alamo’s caretaker – echoed this sentiment. “It’s sad that people have such little respect for the Alamo,” he said.

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Kanye West Video Showing Fails in Texas, Rapper Slammed as "Disrespecful"