Tag Archives: the-arbitrator

Bill Maher: Obama’s Million Dollar Man


Originally posted here:

When asked about returning the $1 million donation from Bill Maher, the White House yesterday announced they cannot be “the arbitrator of every statement that everybody makes in the policy and political arena.” And as Aaron reported , President Obama’s Super PAC announced it will be keeping the money from the foul mouthed host. Here’s good (SFW) collection of quotes from Bill Maher which is going… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Amspecblog Discovery Date : 09/03/2012 03:41 Number of articles : 2

Bill Maher: Obama’s Million Dollar Man

Jon Gosselin: Kate is a Whiner

Jon Gosselin has complied with a court order to return $230,000 he withdrew over the past several months to a joint account he shares with estranged wife Kate.

More here:
Jon Gosselin: Kate is a Whiner