Tag Archives: the-bathhouse

Ashley Benson’s Cleave for Golf of the Day

I know there’s a fetish here. I’m not too sure what that fetish is because I’m not a golf player and I’m not a fat chick endorser, especially not when she exploits her tits for attention,, to divert from being a fat chick…. I know what you’re thinking, “you’re gay”, “you’re a faggot”, “you have AIDS from raw dog sessions in the bathhouse because you’re gay and hate yourself, probably because you were raped as a kid”….”You know Ashley Benson is rich, famous and has big tits, and if you think she’s fat you’re a fucking idiot”… Well, for the record, I didn’t invite the BMI index, I didn’t invent body fat percentage, I didn’t invent ideal weight, and I didn’t invent “hollywood fat”… Yes, if she worked at Walmart and/or was fucking you, she’d be fine…but as a famous actress, who may not have much of a career beyond a hit show, she’s still fucking famous…and I expect more.. I don’t think it makes me a gay with aids from the bathhouse for having eyes and seeing chubby bitches using tits to divert. I’ve been faces with this every time I leave my house – especially at bars – because this is what fat bitches do…tits.. I guess what I’m trying to say is Fuck Golf Golf is fucking stupid. I mean – Look at this Neck Chin… The post Ashley Benson’s Cleave for Golf of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Benson’s Cleave for Golf of the Day