Tag Archives: the-boundaries

Kelly Brook’s 2016 Calendar Pushes the Boundaries of SFW!

Kelly Brook’s 2016 calendar truly pushes the boundaries of the term SFW. That picture of December right there is probably the safest for work of the whole lot. Here are two more for your enjoyment. Click any picture to go to Drunken Stepfather and check out the other nine months!

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Kelly Brook’s 2016 Calendar Pushes the Boundaries of SFW!

Kelly Brook’s 2016 Calendar Pushes the Boundaries of SFW!

Kelly Brook’s 2016 calendar truly pushes the boundaries of the term SFW. That picture of December right there is probably the safest for work of the whole lot. Here are two more for your enjoyment. Click any picture to go to Drunken Stepfather and check out the other nine months!

Kelly Brook’s 2016 Calendar Pushes the Boundaries of SFW!

Fergie Does the Tron Guy of the Day

Fergie is really pushing the boundaries of creative expression in her performances. She’s gone from dancing around half naked. To pretending she’s the fucking Tron Guy who was probably one of the original videos to go viral in the late 90s, but not because of his innovation, but because of his serious socially awkward nerd issues. You know like the immigrant kid you used to convince to do stupid dances at the high school assembly in front of everyone because he trusted you and believed you when you said it was cool, while really you just wanted to get him up there so everyone would laugh at him with you…. The only hot thing about these pictures is her thinking hair part…shit makes a great bral runway to fantasize about cumming down, like shit’s a fucking waterslide…if you know what I mean…. Pics via Fame

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Fergie Does the Tron Guy of the Day

Christian Serratos is Nude for Peta of the Day

Some Twilight actor is naked for Peta, because getting naked for Peta still generates buzz, which is something this bitch needs since no one has ever heard of her but I will say that I don’t really like her hustle, sure getting naked for fame is an ok hustbe, but mainly when that nudity this socially acceptable for a good cause…this is some saving an animal from cruelty nudity and that kind of shit bores mes, when really all I want to see is bitch shoving random objects in her whore pussy for fame nudity…but I guess it’s better than nother….so here’s putting Christian Serratos on the map cuz of her bare ass…

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Christian Serratos is Nude for Peta of the Day