Tag Archives: the-branding

Ken Low dead at 45

Mr Ken Low, 45, assistant chief executive of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), was a bachelor. His body was cremated on Thursday. The man behind the branding that boosted Singapore#39;s tourist draw through the “Uniquely Singapore” and the latest “YourSingapore” campaigns died suddenly on Wednesday. “The entire Singapore Tourism Board is shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Ken#39;s sudden passing,” said STB#39;s chief executive, Ms Aw Kah Peng. Mr Low was a man who wore many hats, inc

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Ken Low dead at 45

Blind Search Engine Test

Link: http://blindsearch.fejus.com/ Take a blind test to see whether you actually prefer Google, Yahoo!, or Bing search results. Techcrunch points out that people always think they prefer Google but will choose the results from other search engines when the branding is switched or obscured, so this is a neat way of actually putting that to the test. I got Yahoo!, and was secretly disappointed.

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Blind Search Engine Test