In a word: GULP! The 2013 Victoria’s Secret Swim Catalogue has been released and the lucky cover girl is none other than South African beauty Candice Swanepoel. Take all the time you need to ogle away, fellas… “It was such an honor to be picked for the cover,” Swanepoel tells People . “It is such an iconic catalogue. Before I was a model, I used to see Gisele Bündchen , Tyra Banks and all of those iconic women on it. It is amazing that a little South African girl can get on the cover.” The beauty is donning an item available in the catalogue itself on the cover, of course, bragging to the magazine that it’s “so sexy and gives me amazing cleavage.” The same can be said for all Candice Swanepoel pictures . Go see for yourself. It’s true!
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Victoria’s Secret Swim Cover Model: Candice Swanepoel!