Tag Archives: the-delinquency

Epitome Of A Bad Mother: California Woman Is Arrested After Encouraging Her Son To Catch Fade On YouTube!

Some might say this mom was “keepin’ it trill”, but the police have another name for it…”child endangerment” SMH. A California mother was arrested this week after she was captured on video encouraging her son to pummel another boy, police said. The woman can be heard yelling “Beat him down. Body slam him,” as the two boys swing wildly at each other in the scuffle that leaves one bloody. At one point in the video, circulated on the internet, the woman offers pointers to her son on how to win the fight. She also assures the combatants they have permission to fight in her yard and that she will not call the police. Police say they have arrested the woman, identifying her as Jennifer Zuniga, 33, of the central California city of Ceres. She faces child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges, police said. “Jennifer can be heard and seen in the video yelling and encouraging her son to batter the other juvenile. Jennifer is heard yelling a barrage of profanities and enticing the fight,” Ceres Police said in a statement. Let this be lesson to all of you (if you haven’t already learned). The internet is not some private place where your illegal activities and trifiling behavior will be hidden from your employer, wife, or law enforcement agents. Act accordingly!!! Source

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Epitome Of A Bad Mother: California Woman Is Arrested After Encouraging Her Son To Catch Fade On YouTube!

72-Year Old Woman Jailed for Sex Act With 7-Year Old Boy

Juanita Byars, 72-year-old woman from Salisbury, North Carolina, Juanita Byars, has been arrested for allegedly committing sex acts with a seven-year-old child. Byars is charged with two counts of sex offense in a parental role, two counts of indecent liberties with a child and one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Byars had the child to perform two sex acts on her, drink beer, and smoke cigarettes while in her care. Read More: http://femalesexoffenders.com/fso/index.php/the-news/171-juanita-byars-arrested added by: b2r