Tag Archives: the-escalator

The Howe Twins Leg Show

Here’s my favorite set of twins, Carla and Melissa Howe , keeping in top shape by taking the stairs instead of the escalator, and coincidentally giving us a great leg show in the process. If you guys didn’t know, the twins love me on Twitter, and their mom does too. So that got me thinking that we should all start a polygamist family together. What do you say, ladies? My mom’s basement is pretty cozy.

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The Howe Twins Leg Show

Trans Siberian Orchestra Nipple of the Day

My friend was at the Trans Siberian Orchestra sow in Beavercreek Ohio…I just assumed because he liked little kids singing his favorite classics like a mall Santa forced to quit being a Mall Santa due to being caught as a sex offender….you know like some kind of pervert… But he impressed me….when he snapped off a pic of one of the adult women performing with a hard nipple…and I’m pretty amazed that from his vantage point he could get in that close…maybe he’s got a future as a pervert photographer…I should send him to the bottom of the escalator of his favorite Ohio mall….but I figure everyone in Ohio is 500 pounds so that won’t work…or will it? Here’s the perv pic to get you in the Christmas spirit….. Thanks for sending it in brother.

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Trans Siberian Orchestra Nipple of the Day

What Is Wrong With This Picture: Nicki Minaj Mean Muggin’ Through The Airport

Here is Nicki Minaj on the escalator at LAX. Any guess why she looks so annoyed? Oh. This n-word. SplashNews.com

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What Is Wrong With This Picture: Nicki Minaj Mean Muggin’ Through The Airport

Nicola McLean’s Rack Is Heavenly

Speaking of big fat cougar boobs, look at this beauty making her way up the escalator to my heart. I guess that’s not exactly accurate, she’s already in my heart, she had me at big fat cougar boobs. Anyhow, here’s Nicola McLean and her awesome rack working their way through the airport the other day. If there’s ever a passenger who definitely needs one of those x-ray body scans, this chick is it. Who knows what she could be hiding in her tight outfit. Don’t forget to send me a copy.

The Reality Behind Diddy’s “Last Train To Paris” Album Cover

Australian blogger and amateur shutterbug Jarrod “Jrod” Kimber revealed that he was contacted by Interscope Records for one of his personal photos that he snapped at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris during a 2008 vacation. After repeated attempts to reach him, they finally connected and the label purchased the photo from him. But imagine his surprise when he saw that it had become the cover for Diddy-Dirty Money’s Last Train to Paris. “Obviously I am not a professional snapper or anything,” he explained. “This was taken on a holiday while waiting for my wife (who can be seen under the G) on a small camera. The only artistic part of it was me seeing the cool red right and going up and down the escalator a few times to get the right shot.” (Rap-Up)

The Reality Behind Diddy’s “Last Train To Paris” Album Cover