Tag Archives: kids-singing

Jeff Gordon’s Wife Ingrid Vandebosch in a Bathing Suit of the Day

So for those of you who aren’t Nascar Fans, Jeff Gordon is Nascard driver and Ingrid Vandebosch is his wife….She’s 41. She was a model from Belgium who only made it into SI in 2008 after marrying an athlete…but who did other work…I’m just not sure what caliber of work and I’m not gonna bother looking for the titty pics…that I can only assume exist from back then….cuz that’s what modeling is about…it is a soft sell, easier way to convince girls to get naked for money, by disguising it as fashion and art…. Who cares, here she is a mom of 2 in a one-piece…cuz she knows she’s 41 and not what she once was before being a mom of 2.

Continued here:
Jeff Gordon’s Wife Ingrid Vandebosch in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Trans Siberian Orchestra Nipple of the Day

My friend was at the Trans Siberian Orchestra sow in Beavercreek Ohio…I just assumed because he liked little kids singing his favorite classics like a mall Santa forced to quit being a Mall Santa due to being caught as a sex offender….you know like some kind of pervert… But he impressed me….when he snapped off a pic of one of the adult women performing with a hard nipple…and I’m pretty amazed that from his vantage point he could get in that close…maybe he’s got a future as a pervert photographer…I should send him to the bottom of the escalator of his favorite Ohio mall….but I figure everyone in Ohio is 500 pounds so that won’t work…or will it? Here’s the perv pic to get you in the Christmas spirit….. Thanks for sending it in brother.

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Trans Siberian Orchestra Nipple of the Day

‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Season Preview

Wherein Larry David confronts plastic packaging.

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‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Season Preview

Shit My Dad Says

Link: http://twitter.com/shitmydadsays Shit My Dad Says, a twitter feed of every patronizing and condescending thing Justin's 72 year old father says to him during the day. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Karen O’s ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ Single

Link: http://www.myspace.com/wherethewildth… “All Is Love,” the first song from Karen O's Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack, is streaming on MySpace

See the original post here:
Karen O’s ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ Single