Tag Archives: the-expanding

Three ‘Hobbit’ Films? Peter Jackson Says Tolkien Would’ve Wanted It

‘All of the expanding and embellishment was based on the ideas Tolkien was exploring,’ director tells MTV News By Kara Warner, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Peter Jackson Photo: MTV News

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Three ‘Hobbit’ Films? Peter Jackson Says Tolkien Would’ve Wanted It

Octomom to Mail Lady: Quit Spying on Me!

Octomom believes her mail lady is spying on her, according to reports. We wouldn’t be too surprised … that Octomom is so self-absorbed and paranoid that she believes this. Nadya Suleman’s rep claims she saw someone taking photos of her car Thursday, and that the postal worker claimed she took them because she “wanted one for herself.” Octo and her security team weren’t buying it. She filed a complaint with the Palmdale Postmater for violation of privacy, claiming the mail carrier has been giving out her address and she’s noticed an increase in traffic of late. No word if Nadya believes she’s behind the recent egging . “I am so shocked by the behavior of the USPS, now I know how people have been getting my address. It is very disturbing that this woman is handling my personal mail,” Octo told TMZ. “I certainly hope they are going to take this situation seriously. It is disgusting.” Not as disgusting as the Octomom porn trailer, but close.

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Octomom to Mail Lady: Quit Spying on Me!

Lindsay Lohan Royally Pissed at Dad; Will Seek Restraining Order Against Michael Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has HAD IT with Michael Lohan, and the events of this month – leaking the phone call during her fight with her mom, and Friday’s intervention attempt – were the last straw. The actress will seek a restraining order against him, according to reports. Lindsay’s mom has been encouraging her to do this ever since MiLo secretly recorded and leaked a phone call she made detailing the epic fight with Dina earlier this month. LiLo wasn’t on board with seeking legal protection … until now. Originally she felt that cutting him off was good enough; now she thinks the only way to stop her dad from pulling any more crazy stunts is to get a judge involved . Linds is planning to begin the process this week supposedly. Stay tuned.

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Lindsay Lohan Royally Pissed at Dad; Will Seek Restraining Order Against Michael Lohan

Mayan Apocalypse Countdown: Two Months to Live!

Forget the zombie apocalypse . The far more significant Mayan apocalypse is nigh. Just two more months to live, people of Earth! If you believe in that sort of thing. Today (October 21) starts the two-month countdown toward doomsday, according to an interpretation of the Mayan calendar that predicts the end of the world on 12/21/12. Which sucks, but the upside? No wasting time and money Christmas shopping. Two ancient texts traced back to the ancient civilization confirm the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of this year, or December 21, 2012. That day is the last day of the 13th bak’tun, or 144,000-day cycle, of the calendar. Ancient Mayans saw the end of the 13th bak’tun as the end of a full cycle of creation. We. Are. F*%ked. Not all scholars believe that the Mayan Apocalypse will bring fire and brimstone, but better safe than sorry. Time to burn through your savings and live like you’re dying now. The economy could really use it. Will the world end 12/21/12?   Yes No Unclear View Poll »

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Mayan Apocalypse Countdown: Two Months to Live!

Adele Gives Birth to a Boy!

Adele has given birth to someone like her. A source close to the singer confirms to People that the incredible singer and boyfriend Simon Konecki are the excited new parents of a son. “We are all over the moon,” the insider gushes of the event. Adele announced the pregnancy in June and asked fans to “respect” her “privacy” at the time. We will continue to do so now, simply sending our very best wishes to the expanding family. In other celebrity baby news this week, Megan Fox is now a mother !

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Adele Gives Birth to a Boy!